
Explore our church’s 100+ year history while also documenting our current activities. People of all ages are encouraged to join us in scrapbooking, sorting, and digitally archiving our history.

Play (Dart)Ball! Have a love for baseball and/or darts? Members of the congregation are welcome to join our church’s dartball team and play against other churches in our area. Games take place on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. (September-March)

Friday Morning Pancakes
*Every Friday morning that Bexley Schools are in session* At 7:30 a.m., the Christ Lutheran Church fellowship hall will be filled with the smell of bacon, sausage, pancakes, orange, and apple juice. We’ll top those pancakes with your choice of chocolate chips, crushed Oreos, cookie dough, blueberries, and/or bananas, or you can eat them plain. The kids are encouraged to use their napkins (they aren’t just for decorations!), to bring their friends, to remember that “school is for learning,” and enjoy a time of fellowship together. We’re done in plenty of time for the kids to get to school on time.
P.S. If you take your children to school, we’ll feed you too!

Funeral Meals
The Funeral Meal Ministry is a caring and committed group of volunteers who are called upon during times of grief. With very little effort, many people can fill this occasional need, but make a huge difference to those grieving a loss of a loved one. Volunteers help with the serving of the meal.

Hospitality Hosts
Two volunteers are needed on Sunday morning to help set up and clean up refreshments in the Gathering Place. Homemade treats are also welcomed, and can be left in the Lounge kitchen, marked “For Fellowship.”

Men’s Softball
Men, dust off your shoes and join us for a game of softball on Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. or 7:20 p.m. (May-July). This is a church league, and we have fun and fellowship with men from other area churches.